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responsible editor: qingqing source: wenkang information network collection

What are the whitening foods? What do you know about whitening? It’s good for your skin! Have you ever eaten whitening fruit? He can also whiten! Whitening skincare methods are many but also suitable for your own! Learn to be beautiful Dream beauty pro!

Pig kidney yam soup

Pig kidney 2, mountain medicine 100 grams, wolfberry 50 grams, sand ginseng 50 grams, coicis 50 grams, salt, ginger, onion each a few. Wash pig kidney, wash, cut, remove fascia, soak in cold water for 2 hours, change water once every half hour, then blanch with hot water to taste, cut into xiaoding, set aside; Wash and dicing, yam, peeled, together with other drugs into the pot, add pork kidney and water right amount, and charging wine, salt, ginger, onion, pepper, etc., with high heat until boiling, again with soft fire stew to crisp, serve immediately Dream beauty pro.

This soup has tonic and invigorating the spleen. The kidney of pig kidney, the yam and the spleen, the wolfberry supplement liver blood, the sand cucumber and the stomach nourishing Yin, the cob of the wet freckle beauty. It is suitable for the deficiency of spleen and kidney.

Lemon juice

Stir the juice of lemon juice and drink in moderation. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin c, calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. Drink lemon juice often not only can whiten skin, still can make melanin precipitation, achieve freckle action.

Drink a cup of tomato juice or eat tomato often, have better effect to prevent freckle Dream beauty pro hard sell

Tomato juice

Drink a cup of tomato juice or eat tomato often, have a better effect on preventing spot. Because tomatoes are rich in glutathione, glutathione inhibits the melanin, causing the submerged pigment to fade or disappear. Or you can add a spoonful of glycerin to a tomato juice. Wash your face for 10 minutes at least once a day, then wash your face clean and dry skin with a touch of skin cream.

White food has pig kidney yam soup! Lemon juice and tomato juice are all right! Try eating an o! Good for your skin care! Whitening skincare best! Try it all! Make you white every day! Beauty depends on it absolutely Dream beauty pro hard sell

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